Wednesday, February 18, 2009

February Update: Beginning FY 2009 Income for Boone County Government Down 7.6%

The shortfall in revenues is growing and is now $98,190 or 7.6% below the projections of $1,297,731.  These numbers compare unfavorably with the  January numbers which were $33,188.78 or 4.27% below December/January projected revenue. See discussion of previous report at: Two taxes with the largest difference from projections are Personal Property Replacement which is $21,807 short  or 21.67% below projections and  the state income tax which is $38,131 short or 14.43% less than projected.   The running totals reported this February are shown below.  All figures were supplied by the County Administrator, Ken Terrinoni, to the County Finance Subcommittee.  Click on the copy to make it larger.

Here are my calculations:

PSB  141778.05 + 144409.66 +136185.88  =  422373.59                                                                      -5264.73/422373.59 =  -1.24%

CST ¼   87305.69 + 86368.04 + 82929.99 = 256603.72                                                                           -14427.07/256603.72 = –5.62%

Sales 1 %  86644.94 + 92482.07 + 74697.06 =  253824.07                                                               ---18460.87/253824.07 = –7.27%

PerProRep   25695.16 + 74935.62 = 100630.78     -21806.68/100630.78= –21.67%

State Inc  113270.88 + 151027.84 = 264298.72     --38130.75/264298.72 = –14.43%

Total Projections=  422373.59 + 256603.72 + 253824.07 + 100630.78 +264298.72 = 1297730.90

Total Shortfall  = –5264.73 + –14427.07 + –18460.87 + -21806.68 + -38130.75 = $98,190.0    98190/1297730= 7.57%

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Feb income 5

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