Wednesday, July 25, 2018

How representative are Boone County’s various boards?




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Cathy Ward 

Yesterday (7/26/2018) at 9:41 AM ·

BOONE COUNTY BOARD NOTES - Decisions made by county board members CAN BE reversed. Here is how it can work, for example. Last week, the board voted 7-4 to approve the appointments for the Zoning Board of Appeals recommended by board chair Karl Johnson. Those appointments were former board chair Bob Walberg and former board member Brad Fidder. Those appointments were questioned for many reasons. Now to reverse that, at the next meeting, any of the seven who voted for Walberg and Fidder can ask that those appointments be reconsidered. Then the board can vote again on whether to approve the appointments. Those voting for the appointments were Sherry Giesecke, Denny Ellingson, Marshall Newhouse, Jeff Carlisle, Bernard O'Malley, Carl Larson and Karl Johnson. If you like those appointments, you can call any of those seven and thank them. If you would like those appointments to be reconsidered, you can call any of the seven and ask them to make the motion to reconsider. Those of us opposed were Brad Stark, Sherry Branson, Jessica Muellner and me. You
can also call and thank us for voting no or tell us those appointments were in the best interest of the county. Love to hear from you on either side of any issue.
