Thursday, January 16, 2014

Belvidere residents given wellness challenge - News - Rockford Register Star - Rockford, IL


The Belvidere Chamber of Commerce, YMCA and Belvidere Family Chiropractic will sponsor the Challenge to a Healthy Life Chamber Wellness Challenge starting Feb 18 to May 6.
This challenge is to help area residents reach wellness goals for the new year. This is a 12-week, interactive program featuring progress monitoring and tracking, hands-on fitness training, access to the Belvidere YMCA, learning seminars on health and wellness, and prizes for winning individuals and teams.
Cost: $25 per Chamber member. For information: 815-547-5307, info@belviderefamilyymca

Belvidere residents given wellness challenge - News - Rockford Register Star - Rockford, IL

Boone County board members reach decision on wind farm law - – Rockford’s News Leader



In Boone County, a tie vote blows away one side of a controversial issue, wind farms. Not if they should come to the area... But where to put them.

The board needed a majority, or seven votes, to pass setback amendments, widening the space between possible wind turbines and people. County board members are evenly split.

"This vote tonight, which was a tie vote, essentially says that the setbacks stay at 1,000 feet." -says District 2 board member Cathy Ward.

Click on the following for link to Channel 13 coverage:  Boone County board members reach decision on wind farm law - – Rockford’s News Leader

Boone County Board Votes against Wind Energy Ordinances - - Powered by WTVO-TV and WQRF-TV


It was standing room only at a meeting in Belvidere where wind farm regulations were debated tonight.

BELVIDERE- A stack of petitions against a set of zoning setback ordinances sits at this month’s Boone County Board meeting.
“There’s no evidence that says if you vote for a higher setback windmills can’t come to Boone County,” said one speaker in favor of the proposed setback ordinance.

Click on the following to see TV coverage:  Boone County Board Votes against Wind Energy Ordinances - - Powered by WTVO-TV and WQRF-TV

Boone County Board vote keeps wind-turbine zoning as-is - News - Rockford Register Star - Rockford, IL

By Jennifer Wheeler

BELVIDERE - Boone County leaders narrowly shot down a proposed amendment to a zoning ordinance that would have significantly limited where wind turbines can be placed.
Board members rejected the idea Wednesday, with about 150 people in the audience, of increasing the minimum setback distance equal to three times a tower's height from property lines.

The code will remain unchanged, calling for 1,000-foot setbacks from primary structures, like homes….


The 6-6 vote had Brad Fidder, Denny Ellingson, Bob Walberg, Johnson, Paul Larson and Chris Berner voting to increase the distance and Bill Pysson, Cathy Ward, Ron Wait, Marion Thornberry, Kenny Freeman and Craig Schultz voting to keep it the same.
Boone County State's Attorney Michelle Courier said state statute requires the majority of those elected to the board must approve the measure for it to pass, which means seven votes were needed to change the ordinance.

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