Friday, January 30, 2009

Hey—Does any one want to read the deal that Chrysler, GMC, AIG or Citicorp got from the Treasury?

Well it is now available.  The agreements are very long and will remind you of the time you received the  two hundred page pamphlet regarding the merger of XYZ Corporation-- fifty shares of stock you got from your grandfather as a kid.  Here is the website for Treasury Department's Transparency Program,  just click here and on your selected company’s Treasury Department agreement (at the bottom of reading).  Enjoy.

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2009 Stimulus Plan: Criticisms Regarding Transportation Dollars by Taxpayers for Common Sense

The following article from Taxpayers for Common Senses (TCS) questions the Stimulus Plan .  TCS’s criticizes  four area of the plan:   1.  Number of jobs,  TCS estimates actual jobs to be half of the Stimulus Plans estimate  2. Stimulus Plan leaves it up to the state to determine priority—such as whether a repair of highways is more important than new construction. 3. TCS believes the Stimulus Plan shortchanges large metropolitan area 4. Stimulus Plan does not supply a  good definition of “high priority areas”, which in the end should be receiving much the Stimulus Plan.”

See the article for yourself and let me know what you think:

Taxpayers for Common Sense

In case you have trouble with the link the http is

National Recession Spurs Job Losses in Local Areas—Belvidere City 17.9%

Click on the pictures below for official jobless rates for December from the Illinois Department of Employment Security.  The chart on page  2 shows Belvidere City is the highest in the area with 17.9%,  this was in part due to the Chrysler holiday shut-down.   Don’t expect Belvidere’s number to improve until February when the returning Chrysler workers and suppliers are working again.

Dec Unemployment page 1 Dec Unemployment page 2