Saturday, April 3, 2010

IDOT confirms that Amtrak route will go through Belvidere | Daily Chronicle

Although Genoa officials have not been officially notified, a passenger rail line will run through Belvidere instead of Genoa, a state spokeswoman said Friday.

Amtrak feasibility report determined the Union Pacific line (Belvidere) would cost $43.8 million and the Canadian National line (Genoa) would cost $32.3 million in capital expenditures. The latter option also would have more riders and more revenue, yet also more annual operating expenses, according to the report.

Click on the following for more details:  IDOT confirms that Amtrak route will go through Belvidere | Daily Chronicle

2007 Feasibility Study from AMTRAK


Click on the photocopy above to enlarge.

Here are the numbers which Amtrak still is holding to.  Note only Route A has the Belvidere stop.  According to a recent announcement from Governor Quinn that is the route which the State of Illinois will be funding.

For more information on the Amtrak study go to: