Wednesday, October 31, 2012

New Boone County Board will vote on wind energy - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star


After 11 hours of testimony during three Boone County Zoning Board of Appeals meetings, committee members agreed Tuesday to wait until Dec. 26 before making a recommendation.

International wind developer Mainstream Renewable Power has discussed placing as many as 100 turbines on 12,000 acres in Manchester and LeRoy townships in Boone County. Company representatives said if leaders approve the amendment, it will likely damper any future wind energy development.

Click on the following for the complete story:  New Boone County Board will vote on wind energy - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star

Is Northwest Pallet attempting to continue mulch operation?

It certainly appears so, based upon their recent application to Boone County.  The text change would allow wood mulch made from scrap pallets to  be “stored or stock-piled” as a “special use” in A-1 Agricultural areas in the county.

The first meeting regarding the matter is tentatively scheduled for Regional Planning Commission on November 20, the Zoning Board of Appeals on November 27, then the county subcommittee PZB on December 5 and finally County Board on December 19.

Each of the county’s townships has the right to make recommendations regarding the issue.  Contact your local township officials or attend the next meeting if you wish them to make recommendations.  Their recommendations will be considered by the County Planning Staff when they write their findings and recommendations to the County Board.

Currently this type of land use is allowed only in the I-2, Heavy Industrial District. This is the first step in a tentative approval process.  First the text must be amended and if that is approved a special use application could be submitted.

The actual paper verifying these items is shown below.

Northwest Application for Text Amendment 1-2

Northwest Application for Text Amendment 2-2

If you are interest in past articles regarding Northwest Pallet or the fire at their storage site on Woodstock Road and Route 76 go to the following.  The last citation provides the most current legal status on the court case.

Belvidere Township Agenda




8200 Fairgrounds Road

November 6, 2012 – 5:00 P.M.

I. Call to Order/Roll Call

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Public Input

IV. Discussion and potential action on approval of Prior Meeting’s Minutes

V. Discussion and potential action on Transfers

VI. Reports

a. Supervisor’s Report

b. Highway Commissioner’s Report

c. Assessor’s Report

d. Clerk’s Report

e. Trustee’s Report

VII. Unfinished Business – Discussion and Potential Action May Occur on the following items:

a. Orth Road Contract

b. Salvation Army Thanksgiving Request


VIII. Legal



IX. New Business

a. Tax Levy-Town Funds and Road & Bridge Funds-Discussion and Potential Action on


X. Discussion and Potential Action on Treasurer’s Report and Approval of Bills

XI. Closed Session

XII. Action on Closed Session Items

XIII. Adjournment

Next Meeting: November 23, 2012 @ 5:00 P.M.