I-90 Local Crossroad Bridges--August, 2013
Jon Bigness
August 8, 2013
EIGHT LOCAL CROSSROAD BRIDGES SCHEDULED TO CLOSE IN AUGUST FOR JANE ADDAMS MEMORIAL TOLLWAY (I-90) CONSTRUCTION Posted detours will reroute traffic during bridge demolition, reconstruction
DOWNERS GROVE, IL – Eight local crossroad bridges over the Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90) are scheduled to close beginning the week of August 19 for demolition and reconstruction as part of the Illinois Tollway’s $2.2 billion I-90 Rebuilding and Widening Project. The closures are expected to be in place for three months and will have minimal impact on I-90 traffic.
In 2013, the Illinois Tollway is reconstructing the Mill Road, Irene Road, Stone Quarry Road, Genoa Road, Getty Road, Brier Hill Road, Sandwald Road and Powers Road bridges. Detour routes will be posted and electronic message signs will be put in place to alert drivers to the bridge closure dates. Construction project and detour information is also available in the “Projects By Roadway” section in the Construction/Planning section on the Tollway’s website at www.illinoistollway.com.
Full closure of these local crossroad bridges is necessary because the roadways over I-90 are too narrow to accommodate traffic while completing the work. All eight bridges, which were originally built in the 1950s, will be lengthened to accommodate the new, wider I-90 roadway.
The locations and detours for each bridge closure are as follows: Winnebago County Mill Road: The detour will direct traffic to use U.S. Route 20, Perryville Road and Newburg Road
in both directions to route around the Mill Road closure. More than 7,000 vehicles use this stretch of local roadway daily.
Boone County
Irene Road: The detour will direct traffic to use U.S. Route 20, Townhall Road and Graham Road in both directions to route around the Irene Road closure. About 850 vehicles use this stretch of local roadway daily.
Stone Quarry Road: The detour will direct traffic to use U.S. Route 20, Townhall Road and Graham Road in both directions to route around the Stone Quarry Road closure. About 1,200 vehicles use this stretch of local roadway daily.
Genoa Road: The detour will direct traffic to use U.S. Route 20, Crystal Parkway, Tripp Road and Cohoon Road in both directions to route around the Genoa Road closure. About 4,100 vehicles use this stretch of local roadway daily.
McHenry County
Getty Road: The detour will direct traffic to use Harmony Road, Hampshire Road, Melms Road and County Line Road in both directions to route around the Getty Road closure. About 150 vehicles use this stretch of local roadway daily.
Brier Hill Road: The detour will direct traffic to use Harmony Road and U.S. Route 20 in both directions to route around the Brier Hill Road closure. About 650 vehicles use this stretch of local roadway daily.
Kane County
Sandwald Road: The detour will direct traffic to use Jim Dhamer Road, Illinois Route 47 and Big Timber Road in both directions to route around the Sandwald Road closure. About 450 vehicles use this stretch of local roadway daily.
Powers Road: The detour will direct traffic to use Big Timber Road, Illinois Route 72, Higgins Road, Tyrrell Road and Freeman Road in both directions to route around the Powers Road closure. About 600 vehicles use this stretch of local roadway daily.
The local roadway closures were coordinated with DeKalb, Kane, McHenry, Boone and Winnebago counties and the Illinois Department of Transportation, along with local municipalities, townships, school districts and police and fire departments.The Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90) Rebuilding and Widening Project
The Illinois Tollway is rebuilding and widening 62 miles along the Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I‐90) as a 21st century, state‐of‐the-art corridor linking Rockford to O’Hare International Airport. The I‐90 corridor from Chicago to Rockford serves nearly 1 million travelers per day.
In 2013, the Illinois Tollway is rebuilding the eastbound lanes between Rockford and Elgin. Work on this segment is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2013, with the westbound lanes scheduled to be rebuilt and widened in 2014. Work on the segment of I-90 from Chicago to Elgin is scheduled for 2014-
As many as 30 local crossroad bridges are scheduled to be reconstructed as part of the $2.2 billion I-90
Rebuilding and Widening Project. This work is part of the Tollway’s 15-year, $12 billion capital program,Move Illinois: The Illinois Tollway Driving the Future.
Most of I‐90’s infrastructure is more than 54 years old. Since it was originally built in the 1950s, residential and commercial growth have strained parts of I‐90 beyond its capacity, increasing delays and weakening economic activity. The I-90 Rebuilding and Widening Project will deliver a dramatic
facelift to I-90, with eight lanes from the Kennedy Expressway to the Elgin Toll Plaza and six lanes from the Elgin Toll Plaza to I-39.
I-90 Local Crossroad Bridge Work Begins - page 3Work Zone Safety
A 45 mph speed limit is in effect 24/7 in all construction zones on I-90, whether or not workers are present. Drivers should continue to watch for changing traffic patterns and use caution at all times.
The posted speed limit on Sleepy Hollow Road/McLean Road is 30 mph.
Illinois State Police have zero tolerance for drivers speeding in work zones. The minimum penalty for speeding in a work zone is $375. Posted signs advise drivers of a $10,000 fine and 14-year jail sentence for hitting a roadway worker.Getting Tollway Construction Information
The Illinois Tollway has a variety of ways customers can get the latest travel information, including:
www.illinoistollway.com – Construction/Planning section and Tollway Trip Calculator 1-800-TOLL-FYI begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
1-800-TOLL-FYI FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting – Daily lane closure information
www.travelmidwest.com – Real-time travel times
www.nbcchicago.com – Up-to-the-minute traffic by roadway
www.myfoxchicago.com – Latest traffic conditions
www.twitter.com – Real-time roadway incident information at Tollway Trip 90, Tollway Trip 88, Tollway Trip 355 and Tollway Trip 94/294About Move Illinois
The Illinois Tollway’s 15-year, $12 billion capital program, Move Illinois: The Illinois Tollway Driving the
Future, will improve mobility, relieve congestion, reduce pollution, create as many as 120,000 jobs and link economies across the Midwest region. Move Illinois will address the remaining needs of the
existing Tollway system; rebuild and widen the Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90) as a state-of-the- art 21st century corridor; construct a new interchange to connect the Tri-State Tollway (I-294) to I-57; build a new, all-electronic Elgin O’Hare Western Access and fund planning studies for the Illinois Route
53/120 Extension and the Illiana Expressway.About the Illinois Tollway
The Illinois Tollway is a user-fee system that receives no state or federal funds for maintenance and operations. The agency maintains and operates 286 miles of interstate tollways in 12 counties in Northern Illinois, including the Reagan Memorial Tollway (I-88), the Veterans Memorial Tollway (I-355),
the Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90) and the Tri-State Tollway (I-94/I-294/I-80).
I-90 Local Crossroad Bridges--August, 2013 | Boone County, Illinois