Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Township Supervisor counters Mrs. Ward’s column on donation to food pantry.

Mrs. Ward’s column is available at:  http://boonecountywatchdog.blogspot.com/2012/01/cathy-ward-criticizes-township-lack-of.html

Murphy's response 1-16-2012

The above column is available on line at:  http://www.rrstar.com/opinions/columnists/x58615064/Guest-Column-Belvidere-Township-defends-denial-of-pantrys-request

Resident takes denial of FOIA request to Attorney General


now has sent a letter to the Public Access Counselor in the Office of the Illinois Attorney General in Springfield, asking for assistance.

And more recently, in a letter to township Trustee Paul Zeien, she addresses his suggestion that the Boone County Board make a donation to the Belvidere Boone County Food Pantry in Capron.

Click on the following to read this story:  http://www.belvideredailyrepublican.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7339:resident-takes-denial-of-foia-request-to-attorney-general-&catid=106:belvidere&Itemid=508

Required Open Meetings Act Training



I believe the above web address is not working, try:  http://foia.ilattorneygeneral.net/default.aspx It is shown below: 


What the other food pantry in Belvidere (proper) did during the last month?

The following is taken from SD #100’s Administrative Highlights in the January 17, 2012 board packet.  See:  http://www.boarddocs.com/il/district100/Board.nsf/files/8QGLQQ560452/$file/January%20Department%20Highlights.pdf 

Click on the photocopy to enlarge:


Belvidere SD 100’s Revised FOIA policy is a good primer on citizen’s FOIA Rights.

These are a citizens’ right at all levels of government in Illinois with only minor exceptions for special units such as the courts.

The following  is taken from this month’s board packet:




