Community Action Programs
Small Business Loan Program ~
Serving Boone and Winnebago Counties, the Small Business Loan Program provides low interest rate (3-5%) loans to businesses that will create at least one job for a low-income person for every $20,000 loaned. Loan Application
Mayor's Youth Advisory Council ~
The Mayor's Youth Advisory Council (MYAC) provides a youth perspective to the Mayor of Rockford and assists the City of Rockford in developing strategies to address youth issues.
Emergency Assistance Programs ~
Serving Boone and Winnebago Counties, the Direct Client Assistance Program assists low-income persons with financial assistance for a variety of issues related to self-sufficiency or emergency needs. Examples would be a working person who needs car repair to retain their employment or an individual who cannot afford life saving prescriptions.
Neighborhood Network ~
Neighborhood Network supports and provides training and technical assistance to neighborhood associations and neighborhood watch groups. Neighborhood Network Website
Community Gardens ~
The Community Garden Project provides funding to neighborhood associations to start community gardens in their neighborhoods. All projects must commit to planting at least one row for the "plant a row for the hungry" program.
Serving Boone and Winnebago Counties, LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) assists eligible income households in paying the high cost of home energy bills. The assistance amount varies with the household income, size and fuel type. LIHEAP Information
SWEEP (Sharing Work for Excellence Everywhere Program) provides exterior clean-up, repair and support to elderly and disabled homeowners who have difficulty maintaining their property. This program hires low-income youth and trains them to provide services. Program operates May through September.
City of Rockford Fair Housing Board ~
The Fair Housing Board assists citizens in reporting fair housing discrimination complaints. It also provides education and outreach regarding the Fair Housing ordinance.
Education Programs ~
The Scholarship Program provides scholarships (average award $1000) to low-income students who are enrolled/enrolling in an accredited Illinois post secondary school or training program. Applications are now available for applicants with household income below 125% of the federal poverty level, reside in Winnebago or Boone County, and plan on attending a post secondary accredited school or training program located in Illinois for fall semester 2013. Scholarship Application 2013
The Boone Tutoring Project works with youth at risk in Boone County to provide them with the skills needed to succeed in high school. For more information call (815) 987-8049
Page last updated: 2/8/2013 10:43:19 AM
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