Monday, April 8, 2013

Homeless group hopes to establish soup kitchens around county | Belvidere Daily Republican


she had contacted several churches in Capron, where the count found the most homeless, and most were receptive to the idea.

“Soup kitchens are the easiest way to start,” she said. “It would be a place to get one hot meal a day. It’s a matter of opening eyes.”

But she added she didn’t want the kitchens to become a long-term way of life. “The next step would be permanent housing. The problem is much deeper than providing soup kitchens at various locations. That’s not the answer for everyone.”…

least 25 homeless students in Belvidere Community Unit School District 100 and another eight in North Boone School District 200, according to Mary Bawinkle, home school coordinator for the Regional Attendance Cooperative. But the number likely is higher because parents don’t want to disclose their situation.

Sources for providing such information include the health department, food pantries in Capron and Belvidere, churches, schools and people who work with the homeless.

“Crusader Clinic is working to put together a hotline,” Bawinkle said.

Loveridge said United Way is working on bringing a 2-1-1 help line to the county. And Love Inc., of which she is the local coordinator, is a Christian clearinghouse that matches people with resources.

Click on the following for more details:  Homeless group hopes to establish soup kitchens around county | Belvidere Daily Republican

Where did Mr. Chamberlain’s campaign money come from?


Well here is big money—$4,000 from Mr. Rob Funderburg.



The above is taken from :

There are no current records for the other candidates for mayor.

Rental Assistance Falls


Sequestration Could Deny Rental Assistance to 140,000 Low-Income Families
Cuts Come at Time of Rising Need for Housing Assistance and Will Exacerbate Homelessness

by Douglas Rice

The budget cuts known as “sequestration,” initiated on March 1, will likely force state and local housing agencies to cut the number of low-income families using Housing Choice Vouchers to afford housing by roughly 140,000 by early 2014.

This represents a sharp break from Congress’ bipartisan commitment — which it has met for most of the voucher program’s nearly 40-year history — to renew assistance for at least the same number of families from year to year. Thousands of other low-income families using vouchers could face sharp rent increases because of sequestration.

Read the entire article by going to:

Farmland Conference June 21-22, 2013




The above is taken from : Go there for updates on schedule and sign up.