Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Taxpayers association meeting to focus on Boone County's financial woes - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star


The group, which touts itself as a nonpartisan government spending watchdog agency, will host Boone County Board Chairman Bob Walberg and County Administrator Ken Terrinoni at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Belvidere Township Hall, 8200 Fairgrounds Road, Belvidere.

Click on the following to read the rest of the story:  Taxpayers association meeting to focus on Boone County's financial woes - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star

Poplar Grove's wind-turbine rules won’t stop developers - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star


The need for renewable energy is well known. It is an area that the country wants to move to,” Papiech said. “There are a lot of people (in Boone County) that are interested in having wind turbines on their property.”

Poplar Grove's wind-turbine rules won’t stop developers - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star

Reports: GM to export China-built cars to US - Kansas City Star


Reports: GM to export China-built cars to US - Kansas City Star

Robert Reich's Blog: The Truth Behind the Social Security and Medicare Alarm Bells


Medicare is the terrible one, but the problem is not really Medicare; it's quickly rising health-care costs. Look more closely and the real problem isn't even health-care costs; it's a system that pushes up costs by rewarding inefficiency, causing unbelievable waste, pushing over-medication, providing inadequate prevention, over-using emergency rooms because many uninsured people can't afford regular doctor checkups, and spending billions on advertising and marketing seeking to enroll healthy people and avoid sick ones.

Click on the following for the rest of the story:  Robert Reich's Blog

Boone County’s efforts to rein in budget

Things don’t seem to be getting better.

Karl Johnson