Friday, February 6, 2009

Let you be the Judge—My Opponent, Mr. Powell, has challenged my petitions to run for the school board.

Below is Mr.Powell’s challenge and the seven pages—78 signatures for my candidacy.  Click to make the copies larger.

There will be an open meeting of the District 100, Electoral Board at Central Office, 1201 Fifth Avenue, Belvidere, Il  61008 at 4:00PM, Monday, February 9, 2009.  Members of the board are: Ted Stenerson, Chairperson, Jeff Ernest, Member and Jerry Kenney, Member.  Mr. Stenersen was my opponent in a school board election, the last time I ran for school board.

John Powell

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I don’t want to sway your opinion, but District 100 initially gave me the wrong petition forms.  I find it extremely interesting that one of District 100’s board member is now questioning my petitions.

Bill Pysson—Candidate for District 100 School Board

Here is some information about myself and why I am running.  For the first time in many years voters are being given some choices.  I thank all the challengers.  I ask that you considered myself and the other new faces for these important positions.  Do remember that there is no monetary payment for these positions so everyone who is running is offering to donate a whole bunch of time.

Here is a flyer regarding my candidacy.  You can enlarge it by clicking on it.  Feel free to copy it and give it to your neighbors and friends. Click on the small envelope at the bottom of this posting to email this to your friends.  Check again in a few days and a small poster will be available.

Bill Colored

To share information, email us at DistrictWatchdog.

Unemployment Rises from 7.2 % to 7.6%: Employment Drop is large and widespread across Major Industry Sectors

These and other descriptions of this recession are available in the just release figures from the Department of Labor:  See  Commissioner's Statement on the Employment Situation News Release

To share information, email us at Watchdog.

Wise-Brereton Debate On Lincoln’s Birthday

I copied this from:


Posted on February 5, 2009 by belvideresovereignty

February 4, 2009

On February 12, 2009 Jim Wise, candidate for mayor of Belvidere Illinois, and Mayor Fred Brereton will conduct a debate at Belvidere Central Middle School.

The debate will begin at 7:30 pm and will conclude at 8:30 pm. Doors will open at 7:00 pm for seating of the audience.

Moderators of this event will be Mr. Eric Wilson and/or Ms. Dani Maxwell of WREX Channel 13.

The debate will be conducted in a style that is in keeping with the celebration of Abraham Lincoln’s 200 birthday. To celebrate the anniversary of the 16th President of the United State’s birthday, the debate will be conducted in the Lincoln-Douglas style of debate. This allows the debaters to take opposing positions on the agreed upon topics. Ensuring a robust debate and an entertaining evening for those attending this momentous event.

“I look forward to bringing the issues that challenge our community into the open for the public to see. Bringing transparency to our city government which has been absent from our community for several years now.”

“As a candidate for the office of mayor, I offer the opportunity of renewal and the hope for change to the citizens of Belvidere and it is my intent to prove this to them on February 12.”

Questions may be directed to:
Jim Wise at 815-904-9576

To share information, email us at Watchdog.