Mr. Christiansen is the Chairman of the Winnebago County Board.
By Kevin Haas
The company closed its doors in August amid financial struggles. Read that story here. Christiansen filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which governs the liquidation process, six months later. The Feb. 6 filing lists $2.5 million in liabilities.
Click on the following for more details: Update: Christiansen Roofing files bankruptcy - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star
The above BBB information is available at:
Other interesting articles regarding Christiansen Roofing
The Rockford Park District will take over maintenance of the green roof atop Nicholas Conservatory after Christiansen Roofing has gone out of business.
Winnebago County Board Chairman Scott Christiansen, who owns the roofing company that bears his surname, said last month that his company would close after financial troubles.
Christiansen Roofing was awarded a $108,300 contract to build the living roof and maintain it for a year. The Park District will take over maintenance duties because of the company's closure, said Laura Pigatti Williamson, deputy director of capital planning and asset management.
Read the entire roof garden article by clicking on the following:
Christiansen Roofing was the roofing contractor who installed the green roof at Nicholas Conservatory.
The Nicholas Conservatory’s roof was subject to the accusation of “crony capitalism” by Michael Kleen of Rockford.
…” When the Rockford Park District needed to construct a “green roof” at Nicholas Conservatory and Gardens, for example, it awarded the $108,277 contract to none other than Christiansen Roofing, a construction company owned by Winnebago County Board Chairman Scott Christiansen. Even if the Park District did not hire that particular business as a result of Mr. Christiansen’s political connections, the dozens of other building contractors in the area who were left out of the deal could be forgiven for reaching that conclusion….”
To read more of Mr. Kleen article go to: