Monday, January 24, 2011

Boone County is in labor negotiations with Sheriff Deputies and Corrections Unions

I thought it would be good to see how much the county is presently paying to the individuals involved.

Here is what the Deputies received in the last contract through binding arbitration with a federal moderator.

Click on the photocopy to enlarge:

deputy contract  salary schedule

Here is what that translates into individual wages for the FY 2010 year ending December 2010.

Deputies 2010 pay

Note:  Total overtime ($177,519) is 8.2% of the total $2,163,742 total.

The entire Sheriff’s contract for FY 2008-2010 is available at:

Below are the FY 2010 wages for Corrections.  The total regular pay and total overtime numbers for each individual is correct however the individual’s “Total Pay & Overtime” were not calculated correctly in many cases and therefore were deleted.  The Grand Totals are correct.  Total overtime is ($133,498) is  7.6  % of the total $1,746,875.

Correction Pay 2010

Progress with proposed wind turbine project in Boone County - – Rockford’s News Leader

BBOONE COUNTY (WREX)- People like Deb and Ben Doetch agreed to let Mainstream Renewable Power Company put a wind turbine on their property.

"We've got to do something in the country besides oil. I know that we've got to start exploring other things and I think wind is a good resource," says Deb.

Dozens of landowners in Leroy Township did the same

The state has developed specific formulas for determining the tax revenue that would come from these turbines. There would be tax revenue from a least four or five taxing districts that would benefit from this,"says Boone County Board Member, Marshall Newhouse.

Enlarge this picture

Click on the following to see the whole story:

How are Wind Turbines Taxed in Illinois?

The following is taken from:

Click on the photocopy to enlarge: 



How much will the farmers get for a wind turbine?

These numbers are for Boone County, INDIANA but it sure looks like big money to a city boy like me.

A photo of a GE 1.5 MW wind turbine at the Grand Ridge Wind Energy Center in Lasalle County, Illinois. PIX16041Gestamp Wind North America and enXco have been offering some county landowners big money to lease land for the large wind turbines — up to $14,000 per 400-foot turbine annually. Each company plans wind farms of 130 turbines, but Boone County has no regulations on the books that would allow the electricity-generating windmills.

The Boone County Area Plan Commission had a public education session last month for residents and plans at least one other session in the first quarter of 2010.

Click on the following for more details: | Post: Boone County looking into wind farm health fears | Indianapolis, Indiana

EDITORIAL: Come on, just own up to it

In case you think things are different North of the Illinois line.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker wanted lame-duck legislators to scuttle the negotiated contracts for union state employees, he got his wish due to two Democrats — Sens. Russ Decker and Jeff Plale.
The two shocked their party by voting against approving the contracts, handing Walker the victory he wanted. The new governor now plans to put the squeeze on employees to help close a budget gap remaining at the end of this biennial budget. Both Decker and Plale had lost their re-election bids and were out of jobs with the convening of the new legislature.
Now Jeff Plale, at least, has landed on his feet. Very comfortably on his feet.

EARLIER THIS WEEK Republican Walker gave Plale a new job, appointing the Democrat to serve as administrator of the Division of State Facilities. Plale will be paid by taxpayers the handsome sum of $90,000, along with a highly lucrative set of fringe benefits.

Click on the following for more of this opinion piece:  Beloit Daily News - your source for news, entertainment, sports, opinion, events, community, shopping and more > Opinion > Todays Opinion