That's why it's not enough for public officials to simply avoid improper conduct, but also its very appearance.
Perhaps really interesting is some of the comments on this DeKalb Chronicle’s Opinion regarding the city granting a $52,000 contract to Alderman Wogen:
Thank you for reinforcing the notion most in the community already hold, which is that governing only by what is legal is a very low standard indeed."
Fair citizens, this is just the tip of the iceberg. One might become familiar with our local[DeKalb County] circuit clerk's office, judiciary, and county board to discern that many powerful folks in our county expressly ignore the appearance of impropriety in their hiring and spending decisions. They take your ignorance to the bank. When these facts are finally laid out before the public, it will make this Wogen controversy seem like Nero fiddling while Rome burned."
Illinois pay(s) what is being called a corruption tax, approximately 15% of local, county, state, and federal taxes go toward waste, fraud, nepotism, cronyism, etc. Just think how many taxes would not have to be raised if the corruption tax could be lowered. I do not expect all government to get cleaned up in this state but it is time to start putting holes into it
"The more things change. The more things stay the same. What do you think you really accomplished? This will be forgotten in less than seven days."
Our View: The appearance of impropriety | Daily Chronicle