Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Are things backwards at the Boone County Board?

At the July 17, 2013 County Board meeting, board votes 9-3 to approve Tony Savino as a replacement to the Zoning Board of Appeals to the unexpired term ending June 1, 2017 .

June 24, 2013 Boone County Board get to see the letter of resignation.  Note:  There is no date on the letter, no signature and no date the letter was received.

Savino 1 of 3

Savino 2 of 3

The statement:  “I think it showed how little true fact finding and research was done by the planning staff when the ordinance was revised for PZA review almost two years ago.” is very interesting.  Mr. Pelan did not seem to understand that the so called fact finding and research was done primarily by the PZB subcommittee. The staff was given limited opportunity to contribute by the design of those board members. The staff recommendation was for no change in the ordinance.

Very similar to the resignation letter, there is no date on Mr. Savino’s resume and no date when the resume was received.The other letters of application all have been date stamped as to the date received.  See Mr. Savino’s letter and the others at:$file/appointments%20July%2017%2C%202013_201307160808.pdf

And as Jennifer Wheeler of the Register Star point out—“there wasn’t a new posting published to recruit an individual to serve on the Zoning Board of Appeals. Instead, Walberg used candidates who weren’t selected from a previous notice” per: