Written by Libby Parker
Locavore is a word that was coined in 2007 by Jessica Prentice, a chef, author and founding member of a community supported kitchen in Berkeley, CA. It defines a person who eats fresh produce from local farms
Chamberlain has a dream – a future goal of starting a storefront market in downtown Belvidere. But it doesn’t stop there.
“We would like to reinvigorate the downtown economy through a locavore movement,” he said. “It can also help the food pantry.” The plan would include attracting sellers of wool and other products from farms, as well.
“The idea is conversational at this point.”
Chamberlain and Boone County Associate Planner Gina DelRose will be putting their heads together to produce some printed materials that will outline their ideas for the project.
“By growing season next year, we are hoping to have a good idea of who would want to participate,” he said. “If we can start a vibrant enough locavore movement, it would be a great draw to have a locavore restaurant.” He likes the idea of the storefront having a certified kitchen for all of those who join the locavore movement. Cooks could preserve their fruits and vegetables here to offer to the public.
Read the entire article by clicking on the following: Bringing a locavore movement to Belvidere | Belvidere Daily Republican