Written by Bob Balgemann
The Capron Rescue Squad has started asking government officials in its coverage area to enforce ordinances that require houses and businesses to have street address numbers large enough to be seen from the street.
Intended as a discussion group, the blog has evolved to be more of a reading list of current issues affecting our county, its government and people. All reasonable comments and submissions welcomed. Email us at: bill.pysson@gmail.com REMEMBER: To view our sister blog for education issues: www.district100watchdog.blogspot.com
Written by Bob Balgemann
The Capron Rescue Squad has started asking government officials in its coverage area to enforce ordinances that require houses and businesses to have street address numbers large enough to be seen from the street.
Poplar Grove United Methodist Church has agreed to have the first community meal from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Aug. 8. They will continue to be held every Thursday at the same time.
Now the church is looking for other sponsors to have meals on other days each month.
One has already stepped forward.
St. John’s United Church of Christ in Belvidere, will have a meal one Wednesday a month, starting in late September. And Danice Loveridge, chairwoman of the homeless task force, said Capron United Methodist Church officials would work with Poplar Grove United Methodist on its community meal at first, with the possibility of having their own later.
Click on the following for more details; Feed a neighbor, feed a friend | Belvidere Daily Republican
More on the $600,000 which the feds want returned. See also:
Mayor Larry Morrissey has called for a review of how city employees document and monitor reporting requirements when issuing grant or stimulus money to vendors and nonprofits.
The review is expected to be complete in two weeks.
Nearly half of the funding in question went to the Rockford Area Economic Development Council.
The council received $100,000, which was spent on staff salaries, according to the audit report. But RAEDC didn’t document exactly how the money had been spent toward stimulus goals — job creation or help for the poor.
George Davis, Rockford’s director of human services, said the city required RAEDC to provide the same documentation it does for other federal grants.
“As an economic development organization, (RAEDC) is categorically eligible for this funding,” Davis said. “When we funded them, it was reviewed and approved by the state.”….
“It’s not a case where we had explicit guidelines or instructions and didn’t follow them,” Davis said. “We had no unique guidelines.”
EPA ID# ILD980497788
Last Updated: April, 2013Site Description
The 50-acre MIG/DeWane Landfill site is located about one-fifth mile east of the city of Belvidere and one-half mile north of U.S. Business Route 20 in Boone County, Illinois. Approximately 1,500 people live within one mile of the site.
The MIG/DeWane site consists of a 47-acre landfill and leachate impoundment system that was operated by various entities from 1969 until its abandonment in 1988 by M.I.G. Investments, the final operator. The landfill was a permitted municipal landfill and during its operating period it received household and municipal wastes as well as industrial wastes including paint sludge, volatile organic chemicals (VOCs), asbestos, and liquids containing heavy metals. In 1984, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had inspected the site and determined that the landfill waste and leachate were contaminating site soil, groundwater, and sediment, and that the potential existed for surface water contamination and direct exposure of humans to contaminants.After the landfill was closed in 1988, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) inspected the site in 1989 and found that the site was not properly closed and capped, noting that there was exposed waste and a 5 to 10-acre depression in the middle of the landfill. The depression collected water that drained into the landfill and resulted in over one hundred leachate seeps with some leachate flowing off site towards the nearby Kishwaukee River. Illinois EPA's inspection also determined that the leachate surface impoundment was about to overflow and/or breach, which would potentially cause serious environmental impacts to the river. In 1989 and 1990, Illinois EPA and EPA, in two separate emergency actions, removed approximately 155,000 gallons of leachate from the site.
EPA placed the MIG/DeWane Landfill site on the National Priorities List in 1990.
Site Responsibility
The MIG/DeWane Landfill site is being addressed through potentially responsible party (PRP) actions under state and federal oversight.
Threats and Contaminants
Sampling results from the MIG/DeWane Landfill site indicate that soil, groundwater, sediment, leachate, and landfill gas are contaminated by VOCs and semi-VOCs, pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs), and inorganic (metal) compounds. A plume of groundwater contaminated with VOCs, semi-VOCs, and inorganic chemicals was found to be moving towards the Kishwaukee River. Exposure to contaminants by drinking contaminated water or coming into contact with contaminated soil or sediment could result in human health effects.Cleanup Progress
In 1989 and 1990, Illinois EPA and EPA, in two separate emergency actions, removed approximately 155,000 gallons of leachate from the site.
EPA and Illinois EPA issued an Administrative Order on Consent in March 1991 to a number of potentially responsible parties (PRPs) to conduct interim cleanup actions at the site, including the installation of an interim cap over the landfill, and to conduct a remedial investigation (RI) to determine the nature and extent of contamination. The order required the PRPs to stabilize the site prior to the start of the RI. The PRPs conducted several interim response actions from June 1991 to February 1993, including the installation of a security fence around the entire site, the removal of 50,000 gallons of leachate-contaminated ponded water from the top of the landfill and 240,000 additional gallons of leachate from the surface impoundment, the excavation of 3,500 cubic yards of off-site leachate-contaminated soil, the placement of the interim cap, the placement of topsoil and seeding, and the construction of temporary erosion controls both on and off site.
Early in 1999, landfill gas monitoring wells were installed along the western boundary of the soil borrow pit property west of and adjacent to the landfill. These monitoring wells detected landfill gas (methane) in the soil borrow pit and elevated levels of landfill gas were also detected in a few homes in the Wycliffe Estates subdivision west of the landfill. In April-May 1999, gas extraction wells, an interceptor trench, and a flare system were installed and activated to remove landfill gas that was moving off the site. The system significantly reduced landfill gas levels within a month's time. No landfill gas has been detected in the subdivision since.
After the RI was completed, EPA signed a Record of Decision (ROD) on March 31, 2000 to document its selected long term remedial action for the site that included the construction of a multilayer cap, the active and passive management of landfill gas, the installation of a localized leachate collection system, the removal of leachate and sediments from the leachate surface impoundment, and monitored natural attenuation of groundwater.
In December 2000, an addendum to the baseline risk assessment for methane and VOCs migrating from the site was completed. Using the collected groundwater and soil gas data, the Risk Assessment Addendum determined that the health risks were significantly lower than those presented in the March 1997 Baseline Risk Assessment and were less than EPA risk thresholds. As long as methane and VOCs in both groundwater and soil gas concentrations remain less than or equal to the levels measured in late 1999 to mid-2000, the indoor air pathway does not present an exposure pathway of concern. Overall, the methane gas levels have continued to decline from 2000 through 2003. Most gas levels have reached non-detectable concentrations.
The PRPs signed a consent decree to conduct the cleanup actions in January 2006. The PRPs completed part of the Remedial Design work plan, but are waiting for comments from Illinois EPA before continuing the Remedial Design work. The PRPs installed gas wells and vents at the landfill; and conduct periodic groundwater monitoring.
Remedial Project Manager, U.S. EPA
howard caine (caine.howard@epa.gov)
(312) 353-9685 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting(312) 353-9685 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Community Involvement Coordinator, U.S. EPA
janet pope
(312) 353-0628 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting(312) 353-0628 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting
The above is taken from: ILD980497788, NPL Fact Sheet | Region 5 Superfund | US EPA
If you wish to compare with the previous update of 2012 go to: http://boonecountywatchdog.blogspot.com/2012/04/current-status-of-mig-dewane-landfill.html