The following is taken from the Illinois Comptroller’s website:
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Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Rockford has many TIF’s which are not complying with reporting requirements
Area wide iFiber Project
Fiber optic project makes headway in Stephenson County
By Travis Morse
Posted Nov 18, 2011 @ 05:05 PM
$69M initiative will provide high-speed Internet access to under-served areas
In 2010, the broadband initiative received a major grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce. An estimated $46.1 million in federal funding will go toward the project, with the rest of the money coming from the private sector and the Illinois Broadband Deployment Program.
Federal grant guidelines require the new network to be completed by June 2013. However, there may be a gradual switching on of the network as the initiative progresses, Payette said. By mid-2012, some community anchor institutions may begin to have access to the new system, he said.
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