Thursday, March 8, 2012

AIG’s bailout is a quiet success - The Washington Post

none was less morally deserving than AIG

AIG bailout is working pretty well? Actually, yes. The firm used $140 billion of the $182 billion available from the government, divided between Fed loans and Treasury equity purchases. The bulk of that has returned to the government, with interest.

spent the past two years selling excess assets and modernizing its core insurance businesses, AIG is profitable again. The firm’s only remaining debt to the Fed is a $9.3 billion loan, against which the central bank holds collateral valued at almost twice that

Click on the following to read more of the Washington Post’s Opinion:  AIG’s bailout is a quiet success - The Washington Post

Beloit Daily News: The Stateline's online choice

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson says marijuana should be legalized and treated like alcohol because the government's war on drugs has failed. The outspoken evangelical Christian and host of "The 700 Club" on the Virginia Beach-based Christian Broadcasting Network he founded said the war on drugs is costing taxpayers billions of dollars. He said people should not be sent to prison for marijuana possession

Beloit Daily News: The Stateline's online choice

Read the AP Account:

Reclaim Wisconsin Rally & March

Pre-Rally Festivities at 1pm
Speakers take stage at 2pm



Saturday March 10, marks the one year anniversary of Gov. Walkers union-busting bill.

Join your Brothers and Sisters in Madison on Saturday, March 10 for the Reclaim Wisconsin March.

We would like to thank all of those who have stood in Solidarity with the workers in Wisconsin, and now we are asking you to help again. This Saturday we are heading to Madison to stand with an expected 200,000 of our Brothers and Sisters. We can’t emphasize enough the importance of what the people of Wisconsin are fighting for. They are standing up to reclaim their democracy and reclaim the true Wisconsin. By recalling Scott Walker they can return to a Wisconsin that is fair, honors justice and treats its workers with dignity and respect.

For those interested we will be car pooling from the UAW hall in Belvidere at 10am Saturday, March 10, 2012 hoping to return around 6pm. Please dress appropriately as we will most likely be outside all day. Families are welcomed and encouraged! Please join us in this historic day and I would like to offer my deepest thanks to all of you for giving your free time to an issue of such importance.

For those who prefer driving on their own there will be parking at the Alliance Center with shuttle busses to take you to the Capitol. All UAW members can meet on the side street up from the Concourse Hotel at noon and we can march around the square until the start of the event at 1, please bring UAW banners, flags and wear your UAW apparel!!!

If you have any questions feel free to contact myself at 815.323.2985.

In Solidarity,

John Gedney

Rockford Area CAP Chair

How many vehicles should the Boone County Sheriff Department have?

Much has been said lately regarding the need to replace eight patrol cars because of high mileage.  Nothing has been said about what is the proper number of vehicles for a department with 36 sworn officers.  Well here are some of the numbers.

The Sheriff’s Department had 52 licensed vehicles of which 48 were police cars. Unfortunately the mileage provided by the Boone County Administration has mileage as of June 2009 but the listed vehicles were in possession of the Department as of March 30, 2011.  A more recent report was requested by members of the county board (at the time of the last vote regarding purchasing new cars) but as of yet has not been provided.

Please provide any corrections or clarification that you can provide to my numbers.

Included in the 52 vehicles are the following:

1—Mobile Home

1—Mobile Command Center

1 Trailer

1—Kawasaki off-road vehicle

In addition, there were the following additional vehicles not listed below:

2 cars—assigned to Boone County Narcotics

1 car—assigned to Northern Illinois Auto Theft Task Force

1 car—assigned to Drug Enforcement Task Force

1 car assigned to Auto Theft Task Force

Below are the source documents for 52 vehicle force.  Click on the photocopy to enlarge:

sheriff's vehicles 3-30-2011--1

sheriff's vehicles 3-30-2011--2

sheriff's vehicles 3-30-2011--3