Friday, April 20, 2012

The Rev. Ed Schneider: Romney vs. Obama: The great debate continues - Milford, MA - The Milford Daily News

Leaving aside for the moment the unfortunate nonsense of election dirty tricks, attempts by both sides of character assassination of their opposition, and disingenuous public posturing, Gov. Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama represent two clearly defined constructs of public policy and the practical application concerning the philosophy of American government.
Both of these men are highly intelligent and gifted leaders. Both of these individuals have loving families and a strong sense of the "greater good." Both of these high-powered public figures have a history of being able to make hard decisions and standing by them -- good or bad. Both of these men have had to deal with what seemed overwhelming situations of crisis and have succeeded in resolving it. Both of them have had failures, big and small, in their public life. These are two high-quality people who love their country but in the end have two completely differing ideas of how to foundationally express it.
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