Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Minutes of 8-5-2011 Belvidere Town Meeting Now available on internet

The following is taken from the townships website:

AUGUST 5, 2011 6:00 PM

Call to Order ~~ Clerk Judy Schabacker called the Special Town Meeting to order at 6:24 pm. The late start was due to checking in all those in attendance with the active voter list for Belvidere Township.
Selection of Moderator ~~ Clerk Schabacker asked for nominations from the floor for Moderator. Diann Helnore nominated Les Reid for Moderator, Mr. Reid declined the nomination. Joe Capovilla nominated Dave Gallano for Moderator. Cathy Cadie nominated John Wolf for Moderator. Dan Snow nominated John Maville for Moderator, Mr. Maville stated that he did not reside in Belvidere Township so would not be able to act as Moderator. Les Reid made a motion that nominations be closed for Moderator and that the motion be confirmed by a voice vote, Bill Wolf 2nd the motion to end nominations for Moderator. The motion passed to close nomination for Moderator with all those in attendance indicating aye on a voice vote. Clerk Schabacker called for a voice vote for moderator which indicated a tie vote, Francis Egan made a motion to use a show of hands for the selection of Moderator. The motion was 2nd by Ray Pendzinski; the count was taken by Attorney John Maville. With a show of hands John Wolf received 32 votes and Dave Gallano received 34 votes. Dave Gallano was sworn in as Moderator by Clerk Schabacker. Clerk Schabacker asked for a motion and a dollar amount to pay our Moderator for tonight’s meeting. Pat Murphy made a motion to pay the Moderator $50.00 for conducting tonight’s meeting. The motion was 2nd by Francis Egan and passed with Paul Larson indicating nay and all others in attendance indicating aye on a voice vote.
Pledge of Allegiance ~~ Moderator Dave Gallano led those attending the Special Town Meeting in the pledge to the Flag.
Introductory Remarks Regarding Purpose of Meeting ~~ Moderator Gallano asked for introductory remarks from Pat Murphy. Mr. Murphy explained the Township Boards purpose for wanting to acquire the Eagle’s Club building in Belvidere. Pat Murphy stated the building would be used for youth programs in our community and the Township would work with the YMCA to furnish those programs.
Pat Murphy introduced YMCA Board President John Kaufield and Director Jennifer Jackie to explain some of the programs they would like to offer our area youth if they had the needed space.
After the introductory remarks were made, Mr. Murphy made a motion to adopt the following Resolution; I move that the Township Board purchase the real property at 110 West Locust Street Belvidere, Illinois; that funds from the General Fund be used for that purchase; that no borrowing be made for that purchase; and that the Township use that property to provide programs to meet the needs of local youth, and to provide, generally, services to the residents of the Township as specified in 60ILCS 1/85-13. The motion was 2nd by Crayton Leaich.

Public Comments ~~ Moderator Gallano opened the floor to public comments but asked that those comments be limited to two minutes. The public directed their questions to Pat Murphy. Many questions and comments were made by those in attendance such as. What is the square footage of the building? What is going to be the total cost of rehabbing the building to bring it up to standard? Why are we offering to pay $150,000 which is more than what the Assessor has it valued for? Has an asbestos study been done? Has the building been sprinkled, if not does it need to be sprinkled? Has a phase one study been done? Have the ADA requirements been met or are they required? Are there easements on the property? Are there environmental issues with the property such as mold? Has a feasibility study been done? Is this a legal investment for township reserves? Why not donate money to other local organizations so they could expand their youth programs? Why are we in such a rush to do this? Pat Murphy stated that he did not have answers to all the questions at this time. Debbie Carlson (a Trustee on the Township Board) stated that the entire Board of Trustees felt this was an opportunity they didn’t want to pass up or risk losing; they were all in agreement on this. A motion was made by Tim Malone to close the Public Comments Discussion and call the question to a vote. The motion was 2nd by Ray Pendzinski. Before a vote could be taken Les Reid called point of order and made a motion to proceed before a vote on the motion by Tim Malone is called. Les Reid made a motion to defer the vote on purchasing the Eagles Club building until the next primary election when the question to purchase the building would be put on a ballot for referendum, or some other meeting date chosen by those present, if a referendum is not chosen. This would give ample time to have all the questions brought up by the public tonight answered. This motion was 2nd by Cathy Cadie. Tim Malone asked to withdraw his motion and Ray Pendzinski asked to withdraw his 2nd to Tim Malone’s motion. Local Township Attorney John Maville stepped in to help clarify what was going on. Mr. Maville asked if both Tim Malone and Ray Pendzinski had intended to withdraw both the motion made and the 2nd to that motion. They both stated that was their intent. Attorney Maville asked Mr. Reid to clarify his motion to the earlier motion to adopt a Resolution made by Pat Murphy. Mr. Reid said forget the other motion on the floor this is another motion to be considered and proceeded to make a new motion stating that he would like to make a motion to table this action subsequent to the next primary election referendum or date subsequent to that for a vote. Moderator Gallano asked the women who 2nd the motion for her name she stated her name as Jan Shugrue. Moderator Gallano then asked for a show of hands in favor of the new motion made by Mr. Reid and asked if Attorney Maville would do the count. Attorney Maville counted 38 in favor of the motion to table the vote until the next primary election referendum. A show of hands was asked for all of those opposed to tabling the motion, seeing that there were fewer votes opposed to tabling the motion the motion passed to table until the next primary election referendum. Moderator Gallano then asked for a motion to adjourn the Special Town Meeting.
Adjournment ~~ a motion was made by Dan Snow to adjourn the meeting at 7:36 pm, 2nd by Ray Pendzinski motion passed with all individuals present indicating aye on a voice vote.
Respectfully Submitted
Judy Schabacker Clerk

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