Friday, April 8, 2011

Daily Kos: Kathy Nicholaus: surprise, surprise? Maybe not.

Interesting comments and statements from the world of blogging.  All statements are from unknown sources.

Thu Apr 07, 2011 at 10:37 PM EDT

Kathy Nicholaus: surprise, surprise? Maybe not.

by MouseNoMore

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Unbeknownst to me until 10 minutes ago, my husband used to work with Kathy Nickolaus (Waukesha County Clerk) in the Wisconsin legislature's IT shop. (He worked there from 1993 to 1997.) Quote my DH, "She was not only incompetent, but also a fierce right-to-lifer and arch-conservative. If you said to her, 'I really like hot fudge sundaes', her reply would be, 'We really have to stop abortions.' Her testifying in the caucus scandal notwithstanding, this casts considerable doubt on her integrity. She knew damn well that what she was doing for the caucuses was against the law, (later)  immunity not withstanding."

He says he is very, very afraid now because the questions about her integrity are extremely frightening to him. "The fact the the entire county's election data is on a single PC with no backup demonstrates her incompetence." He remembers being in a meeting with the chief of their IT shop and hearing about the stuff she was doing, and he told the boss, "We could really get caught with our pants down. This is NOT an acceptable way of doing this stuff." And he was just speaking as a data processing professional. BTW my husband was an IT professional for 20+ years so I trust his opinion.

Now my opinion: FIRST THING IN THE MORNING someone needs to file a FOIA request and state open records request for the data on her computer. And impound the damn computer and do a complete forensic investigation. IMO it would be best if someone from Waukesha County made the request, but any Wisconsin voter could, really.

EDITED #1 22:08pm - I'm happy to see in the comments that Kloppenburg's campaign will be doing this

Daily Kos: Kathy Nicholaus: surprise, surprise? Maybe not.

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