Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Police probe Vatican bank officials for money laundering; Vatican "perplexed and surprised" - chicagotribune.com

Italian authorities have seized €23 million ($30.18 million) from a Vatican bank account and begun investigating top officials of the Vatican bank in connection with a money laundering probe.

Tuesday's case, police seized the money from a Vatican bank account being held at the Rome branch of Credito Artigiano Spa, according to news agencies ANSA and Apcom. The bulk of the money, €20 million, was destined for JP Morgan in Frankfurt, with the remainder going to Banca del Fucino.
According to the reports, the Vatican bank had neglected to communicate to financial authorities where the money had come from. The reports stressed that Gotti Tedeschi wasn't being investigated for laundering money himself but for a series of omissions in financial transactions.

Click on the following for more details:  Police probe Vatican bank officials for money laundering; Vatican "perplexed and surprised" - chicagotribune.com

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