Saturday, August 15, 2009

Public hearing on DeKalb’s countywide recovery zone set for Wed. | Daily Chronicle

Where is Boone County with its recovery zone bonds?  McHenry County and Stephenson Counties have passed their resolutions to start their programs.  I have contacted Mayor Brereton who obtained information that Boone County’s allocation is $1,863,000, but no one is certain if county government has started the process.


The decision is before the DeKalb County Board because the county was allocated $15 million in Recovery Zone Bonds. Part of the federal stimulus legislation, the borrowed money would serve as a means to finance both governmental and privately-owned building projects at a low interest rate, with the federal government paying 45 percent of the interest.

Click on the following for more details on  DeKalb County proposal:  Public hearing on countywide recovery zone set for Wed. | Daily Chronicle

For details on McHenry County’s Program:

For details on Stephenson County’s Program:

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