Friday, May 1, 2020

GIG unemployment for Illinois

Friday, May 1, 2020

The Governor had this statement today regarding unemployment benefits for contract workers. 


* Virtual call center and new to a computer system is on target for May 11, but we are hearing gig workers should not expect to get money by that date, and clarify what people need?

Governor:  I can’t speak to what date on which they will get, what are the other cards would be charged. What I can say is that we are going to be launching that but we would ask all the gig workers something very important for people who are independent contractors who are eligible could be eligible, they need to actually file their unemployment claim now under the current unemployment system, because it will make it much easier when we actually launch the independent contractor system for them to get paid. So file now, you’ll get a rejection, and we’ve said this many times you will get a rejection because you’re not currently employed somewhere that’s eligible. And then by you know in that May 11 week that we’ll be launching gig. Sorry, independent contractor payments, they’ll be ready to go, they’ll have an account already set up.

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