SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — Gov. Bruce Rauner has postponed the Nov. 18 budget summit because a family matter will prevent
House Speaker Michael Madigan from attending.
Rauner deputy chief of staff
Mike Schrimpf said Saturday that the meeting will instead be held Dec. 1 in Springfield.
The change came shortly after Madigan, a Chicago Democrat, released a statement saying he needed to attend an out-of-state family
funeral next week. Schrimpf offered the governor’s condolences.
The much-anticipated meeting will be the first time in months that the Republican governor and the four legislative leaders have met. They’ve bickered over a state budget
that should’ve taken effect July 1.
Good-government groups encouraged the meeting before Rauner announced he would host the summit.
Madigan Can’t Attend Budget Summit, Rauner Postpones It « CBS Chicago
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