Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Letter: Most people are not in favor of wind farms - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star


The article states the "vast majority" of people are in favor of this. I would say just the opposite. I guess it all depends on your address in the county.

— Brad Fidder, Boone County District 1

Click on the following to read the entire letter:  Letter: Most people are not in favor of wind farms - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star

Here are the four comments which Mr. Fidder’s article generated:

Comments (4)


Hard to imagine where you must be doing your surveys. It is hard to find people anywhere who can't see the benefits of wind farms. Of course there are always a few uninformed people but for the most part wind energy is highly thought of.



Yeah I'm against clean energy because I would rather have a Nuke plant in my backyard!


The people against wind farms are worried that all of those rotating blades will upset the stability of the earth, which is flat, and they will all slide off.


'You can't fix stupid.' Forrest Gump

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