Saturday, March 10, 2012

FatWallet renews lease in Beloit - Beloit Daily News:


FatWallet’s original, one-year lease started April 11, 2011 and came with a second-year option. And in February, the company executed that option, ensuring its presence here into 2013.

Located at 80 and 100 E. Grand Ave. in two buildings that amount to more than 23,000 square feet, FatWallet has continued to expand since its northern migration, and now city officials hope the company and its more than 60 employees will stick around for the long run.

The building, a portion of which juts out over the Rock River, formerly housed offices for Kerry Ingredients and Flavours and is owned by the city

In September, FatWallet was acquired by San Francisco-based Ebates, also an Internet company. With a new, broader corporate structure and ties to the country’s tech-heavy West Coast, FatWallet and Ebates executives have yet to figure out what makes the most sense going forward, Washatka said.

Click on the following for more details:  FatWallet renews lease in Beloit - Beloit Daily News: News: beloit, city of beloit, fatwallet, lease, downtown

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