Monday, September 19, 2011

Father Ospina issue plays on Channel 23

The following is taken from  To view the actual film clip go to: and click on the TV icon.

The TV commentator states that WIFR has “talked to Father Ospina but that he did not wish to make a comment”.


1 comment:

gacastillo said...

This is clearly incomplete information regarding the happenings of the "entire" situation. What is it that was said by Father Diego? Was there a purpose in what he said that would help the congregation or was it purely for selfish reasons?

There should be an inclination to believe someone who has dedicated their entire life to serve others than a child who apparently has a problem with authority. Was this issue clearly discussed between the Reverend Monsignor Vallejo and Father Diego, or was it simply discussed with the family in question?

From reading the letter, there is no form of edification towards Father Diego, who should be respected with authority. Was there something possibly made bigger than it was? I would be willing to accept that this has been blown out of proportion more than simply having a Father who is looking to harm a family.

For Father Diego to simply blatantly lie as it seems to be stated in the letter, I would simply have a difficult time believing. So what is it that the Family Mata do? Why were they being used as an example in the church. There are countless examples in the bible about peoples behavior and what they did? How was this different?

Why not write about that? This post simply makes Father Diego look like he was all wrong which I doubt is the case. This is a form of misusing media, and I strongly recommend that more is added because as a Christian with great respect for the Jesus, and as a marketing consultant, I feel strongly led to utilize my expertise with media and marketing to uncover the truth and give Father Diego the dignity that he deserves.

Having been a member of large organizations, it often occurs that someone with selfish intent or great amount of pride tends to go against the authority figure simply to gain a sense of entitlement. This is the behavior that is bringing this country down. The entitlement that people tend to feel they have because of pride. The focus tends to be based on selfish means rather than for the betterment of all.

When a person is put into a leadership role, that is their domain, and if someone disapproves of their leadership then the right thing to do is leave. Especially in the church. One of the commandments states: "Honour your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you". This scandal certainly does not seem very honoring. Does it?

How many children are seen disrespecting their parents and it is allowed. The benefit of the doubt is giving to the children rather than the parents. Isn't there something wrong with that picture?