Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Koch Brothers' Vast Right-Wing Media Conspiracy | Mother Jones

[Koch’s] semiannual shindigs, which began in 2003, as an "opportunity for attendees and presenters to discuss ways of preserving and advancing economic freedom in the United States and to share ideas about the free-market principles that have made our country great." The guest list for last weekend's meeting is still under wraps, but the June 2010 event in Aspen drew a who's who of conservative media stars; Besides Beck, there were Philip Anschutz, owner of the Examiner newspapers and the Weekly Standard; Charles Krauthammer, syndicated columnist and Weekly Standard contributor; Stephen Moore, Wall Street Journal editorial board member; and Ramesh Ponnuru, senior editor for The National Review

[think-tanks and foundations that have benefited from the Koch's largesse.] Competitive Enterprise Institute, Cato Institute, Manhattan Institute , Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy (PRI),

Click on the following to read the entire article:  The Koch Brothers' Vast Right-Wing media Conspiracy | Mother Jones

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