Tuesday, January 25, 2011

10 Economic Benchmarks for the State of the Union and GOP Response

Interesting article from The Huffington Report—quite different from the Tea Party view.


1. The federal government isn't a runaway fiscal monster.


2. Main Street and Wall Street aren't "in this together."

3. The bankers who created this crisis are doing great.

4. Taxes for the wealthy are historically low.


5. Income inequality is rising, and the rich are richer than ever.

6. Corporations have never had it so good.

7. We're in a jobs depression.

8. People with jobs are hurting too.

9. Young people are being lost to unemployment

10. The housing situation? Don't even ask.

Click on the following for all of the story:  Richard (RJ) Eskow: Reality Checks: 10 Economic Benchmarks for the State of the Union and GOP Response

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