Friday, June 11, 2010

Boone County District One’s “Independent” Candidate.

The following is taken from the Boone County Journal’s June 11, 2010, Letter to the Editor.  The grammar and exact words of the letter are posted.

Dear Editor,

I am Brad Stark and I am running as an Independent for
Boone County Board District 1. Why am I running as an
Independent? The main reason is that I believe that both
major political parties in this county have stopped listening
to the people they represent and have chosen to focus on
their parties power instead. This type of governing does
not serve the people at all. We are seeing record levels of
deficit spending because the people in power do not want to
upset their campaign donors, or make a decision that may
upset someone. This type of leadership is starting to catch
up to those in power. All of the people I have talked to so
far as I gather signatures to get on the ballot have the same
complaint, why can’t the government live within it’s own
means like we have to? That is a good question. Most
of these same people have been experiencing hard times of
one kind or another since 2007. That is when people started
losing jobs, working less hours, or took a lower paying
job to stay a float. The problem for the government is that
these lower revenues are just starting to catch up to them
now. What do they care, they think they can raise our taxes,
make mandates that rule over our daily lives, and at the
local level, lay off the people at the bottom, while keeping
department heads and elected officials pay scale the same or
with a smaller % of increase. How is this any different than
what has happened on Wall St? When Wall St. executives
pull in big salaries and bonuses, the government wants to
demonize them, but when the government does it, it’s fine.
Government officials and the people that work for them
should have had their wages froze at least 2 years ago so
that we wouldn’t be in the position we are in today. The
people of this country are ready to except the new “normal”
of our economy, when will our government except it. I
do not believe they will except it because we keep putting
the power into the hands of our 2 major political parties.
Our system is broken. The bloated government machine
is choking on itself and is heading for a collapse. I believe that Conservative values embracing fiscal responsibility
and limited government can pull us through these tough
times. Currently I am still in need of signatures so that
I can get on the ballot for the Fall General Election. As
an Independent I need at least 389 signatures, compared
to 33 for one party, 22 for another, and 4 for yet another.
If any of the things I have stated agree with you, and you
too are fed up with the current state of affairs, please look
me up. My Facebook group is “Brad Stark for Boone
County Board” or call me, my number is in the book.
Thank you
Brad Stark
Capron, IL

Click here for the original:

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