Friday, February 19, 2010

Mayor Brereton delivers state of the city address

drop in the general fund revenue by nearly 4 percent, or just under $500,000, followed by decreases in income tax revenues by about $250,000, and sales tax revenues of more than $500,000.

Brereton concluded that in this environment, the city is Fred Brereton"treading water" to keep municipal services intact.

we find ourselves trying to run a 2011 government on 2006 revenues."

city needs to continue to support their corporate citizens, Chrysler, General Mills/Green Giant, Dean Foods, and offer prayers for NDK’s recovery activities as well as all employers big and small to enhance the city’s efforts to reverse the unemployment trend of recent months.

firefighter or police officer can collect 50 percent of their ending year salary after 20 years of service or 75 percent of the ending salary after 30 years. Fully funding for this eventuality has been "virtually impossible" and just adequately funding them is "placing increased pressure" on the city’s general fund

Click on the following for more details:  The Belvidere Daily Republican. - Mayor Brereton delivers state of the city address

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