Monday, January 4, 2010

Will latest jobs bill really produce jobs?

Republicans scoff at the "Jobs for Main Street Act" title that House Democrats put on their $174 billion package last month….

In its last vote of 2009, the House narrowly passed the bill, 217-212, without a single Republican supporter….

$75 billion in infrastructure and public sector spending: tens of thousands of new construction jobs, 5,500 more police officers, 25,000 additional AmeriCorps members, 250,000 summer jobs for disadvantaged youth, 14,000 part-time jobs for parks and forestry workers.

The CBO has estimated that employment was 600,000 to 1.6 million higher in the third quarter of 2009 because of the[last] stimulus act.

Click on the following for more details on this debate:  Will latest jobs bill really produce jobs? | Daily Chronicle

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