Wednesday, January 27, 2010

FOIA Law Attacked

School Superintendents’ evaluation exempt from FOIA.  And the public was given little opportunity to weigh in.

January 11 an amendment to SB 315 suddenly surfaced in the House Elementary and Secondary Education Committee.  That amendment was designed to net Illinois more than $500 million in federal funding through the new "Race to the Top" program for the state's neediest schools -  but it also exempted teacher and principal performance evaluations from public disclosure

The legislation was then moved to the House floor, but not before superintendent performance evaluations could be exempted from disclosure as well.  They got there own special amendment, which never even saw committee, that was simply approved by a non-recorded voice vote on the House floor.

Governor Quinn signed the bill the same day he received it - January, 15.

Click on the following for more detailsFOIA Law Attacked

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