Friday, December 11, 2009


Good advise for 2010 IRA Conversions to ROTH IRA. 

converting. So, anyone willing to pay the income taxes due upon making such a move will be able to funnel retirement savings into a Roth, where it can grow tax-free.

Put converted holdings into a new account, rather than an existing Roth. That way, if the value falls after you've paid the tax bill, you can change your mind, "recharacterize" the account (meaning you move the money back into a traditional IRA) and wipe out your income-tax liability.  You have until Oct. 15 of the year following the year of conversion to recharacterize…Better still: Consider opening a separate Roth for each type of investment you hold. That way, you can recharacterize the ones that perform poorly and leave the winners alone.

Click on the following for more detailsget-ready-for-2010-the-year-of-the-roth-ira: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

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