Saturday, November 7, 2009

Belvidere Assessors: Fair Union Negotiations or Game of Partisan Politics

We all know that Diann Helnor (D) was elected Township Assessor by the narrowest of margins last April.  Before she even gets into office in January, her defeated opponent, Robert Falkenstein (R) has negotiated the  first ever union contract with his  assessors.  All these employees were selected and hired by Mr. Falkenstein over his many years holding this office.  

What is this?  A sweet heart deal to old political appointees?  Mr. Falkenstein’s friends get a 3% raise while the other township employees get nothing.  And the township provides no additional money to the assessor’s office.

Is this a revenge move? Raise the wage bill so the only democrat holding office  in the township cannot properly run the office.

Can anything be done about this?


Township Assessor

Tax Assessor 2

Source:  Boone County Journal, November 6, 2009, page 32.

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