Friday, October 9, 2009


Is the mortgage crisis over?

Federal Housing Administration, which guarantees mortgages with low down payments, are becoming so acute that some experts warn the agency might need a federal bailout.

some 20 percent of F.H.A. loans insured last year — and as many as 24 percent of those from 2007

the agency now insures roughly 5.4 million single-family home mortgages, with a combined value of $675 billion.

The government is giving as many people as it possibly can the chance to buy a house or, if they are in financial difficulty, refinance it. The F.H.A. is insuring about 6,000 loans a day, four times the amount in 2006. Its portfolio is growing so fast that even F.H.A. backers express amazement

US-mortgage-backer-may-need-bailout: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

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