Monday, September 28, 2009

Seaworth Salary increase from $64,000 to $66,000.

The following salary increase for  Ms. Stephanie Seaworth was made at the August 3 Board of Heath meeting.  This represents a 3.1% increase.  There is no indication when the increase will take place nor whether the increase would be within the budget limitations.


August 3, 2009
Members Present: Dr. Hess, Dr. Frost, Allen Sisson, Jim Cox, Dr. Ronald Conder, Gary Turner, George
Sprecher and Bob Walberg
Staff Present: Stephanie Seaworth, Bill Hatfield, Lisa Gonzalez, Ellen Genrich, and Sandy Romanek.
Guests Present: Anthony Dini, and Debbie Carlson
Ellen updated the Board on the Abstinence Program and the school activities that would continue to take place.
Outside funding is currently being looked into to supplement the program that will no longer be funded through
the State.
Dr. Hess called the meeting to order at 12:07 p.m.
A motion was made by Jim Cox and seconded by Dr. Frost to add the amendment to the agenda. Motion
A motion to approve the Amended Agenda was made by Jim Cox and seconded by Gary Turner. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Jim Cox and seconded by Gary Turner to approve the meeting minutes of June 29.
2009. George made a motion to amend the minutes to expand on the motion under new business to detail the
motion that had been made and not seconded. Gary Turner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Jim Cox and seconded by Allen Sisson to approve the meeting minutes from July 20,
2009. Motion carried.
Department Reports:
Personal Health: Lisa presented the departmental report for the month. The report is in the monthly packet.
Lisa also covered the current activity of H1N1. Dr. Hess asked for clarification on the procedure when the
patient is a pregnant woman. It was determined that the current authorization form will need to be enhanced,
and procedures for the staff to be established.
Environmental Health: Bill presented the report for the month. The report is in the monthly packet. The
Board was updated on the West Nile Virus. There was also a discussion on the handling of smoking
complaints, and future fines due to the current lack of funding for the Illinois Tobacco Free Grant.
Personnel Reports: None
Contracts and Agreements – Renewals: None
Contract and Agreements – New: Stephanie updated the Board on the Stephenson County VFC-AFIX
Agreement. The agreement is in the packet, and will be for this fiscal year. The contract is for on-site
inspections at the 5 facilities that provide the current VFC vaccines. A motion to approve the contract was
made by Gary Turner, and seconded by Jim Cox. Motion carried.
Financial Report: The Grant Fund report for June, 2009 and the Health Fund report for July, 2009 are in the
monthly packet. A motion was made by Jim Cox and seconded by Allen Sisson to approve the Financial report.
Stephanie also clarified that the budget meeting that had been scheduled for Friday was cancelled. The
meeting will be rescheduled when more information is available from the State, which will assist with the
budget process. Other topics of conversation included the Tax Levy, the Local Health Protection Grant, Boone
County Soil & Water, the Vision & Hearing Grant, and potential outside funding.
Approval of Claims: A motion was made by Gary Turner and seconded by Jim Cox to approve the claims for
the month of July, 2009. Motion carried.
Committee Reports: None
Unfinished Business: A motion was made by Allen Sisson to table the unfinished business until the County
makes their appointments. The motion was seconded by Jim Cox. Motion Carried.
o Board of Health Replacements
o Board of Health Election of Officers
o Board of Heath Sub-committee replacements
Stephanie introduced Debbie Carlson, who stated she would be submitting a letter to the County Board asking
to be considered for the open position on the Board of Health. Board members, who feel Debbie would be a
valuable addition the Board of Health, will be submitting a letter of recommendation to Bob Walberg.
New Business: Stephanie updated the Board on the following:
o 2010 Fiscal Goals
o Soil & Water Conservation District
o Food Permits and the proposed code change
o Policy and Procedure Manual updates
Suggestions for additions to the manual include:
o Additional language concerning piercing and tattoos (Stephanie will review other County policies
on this)
o Clarification on voluntary unpaid time off, and the effect on benefits. Stephanie will pursue this
policy with the County, and will have for the next Board of Health meeting.
Administrator’s Report: Stephanie clarified that the changes in the Policy and Procedure Manual are an
effort to improve the professionalism of the Health Department. Other improvements include staff
development and peer reviews. Other topics include:
o Leadership Academy
o Get Motivated Seminar on August 22, 2009.
o Storage Expansion
o Northern Illinois Hospice and Grief Center
Executive Session: A motion to go to closed session was made by Jim Cox and seconded by Dr. Conder.
Motion Carried. Guests and staff were asked to leave; Sandy and Stephanie were asked to remain. The Board
of Health went into closed session at 1:03 p.m. The Board returned to open session at 1:25 p.m.
A motion to increase Stephanie’s salary to $66,000/year was made by Jim Cox and seconded by Allen Sisson.
Motion passed
A motion to adjourn was made by Jim Cox and seconded by Gary Turner. Motion carried. Meeting was
Submitted through Gary Turner.

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