Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Border-death numbers remain steady -

downward trend began in 2005; if the numbers hold through September, it will be the lowest number of arrests since 1975, when the agency apprehended about 596,000 people.

As the nation's economy has plunged, the northbound flow of illegal border crossers has continued to ebb, with border-crossing apprehensions at a low not seen in almost a quarter-century.

However, while fewer people are being apprehended by the Border Patrol, the number who have died while attempting to cross in recent years has remained steady, probably because the crossings are being made in ever more remote locations. …Those who can afford it are also paying as much as $5,000 to be smuggled through border ports of entry, he said, seen as a safer alternative to treks through increasingly remote routes in the desert and mountains.

Read the whole story by clicking on the following:  Border-death numbers remain steady -

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