Monday, May 4, 2009

Policy for the policymakers? Boone County Board of Health, shouldn’t you follow county policies? Should taxpayers pay for your alcoholic drinks?

I wish to thank County Board Member, Pat Mattison, District 3, R,   who obtained the references used in this posting.

It certainly appears that the Boone County Health Department is exempt from its and the county’s policies.

(As previously questioned by the news media and this blog) Did Boone County Board of Health ever advertize the vacancy for the Health Administrator (or Assistant Administrator)? The Equal Employment Opportunity Policy statement for the county requires that positions be advertized in “ a newspaper of general circulation in Boone County”.  (See below) Did the Board of Health do this?  Not to my knowledge.


County employees are not allowed reimbursement for alcoholic beverages. (See county policy, shown below) But when members of  the Search Committee, Boone County Board of Health had their interviews with two Health Administrator candidates at Giovanni’s Restaurant in Rockford,  they  billed for alcoholic drinks.  (Bills are shown below.)  And they were really good tippers—over a $90 tip/20% service charge on each day.  The final photocopy is the list of members and staff present at the “Closed Session” at Giovanni’s.   I attended the May 4 meeting of the Board of Health and asked that the board reconsider these reimbursements  for alcoholic beverages.  I am sure that you know some of these people, perhaps you can ask the drinkers to pay their own tabs.

county meal policy

bar bill 2

search committee

1 comment:

emmazmom said...

The Health Dept is not governed by County policy. Just as their employees are not County employees. I'd ask to see Health Dept policies on meals and liquor.