Friday, September 25, 2009

Many Kane Co. departments could soon run out of funds

"Basically, it says they can go and ask for more money," Pattelli said. "And if it's denied, the board is going to stop paying their bills."

several departments remain on pace to spend more money than allotted. Finance Director Cheryl Pattelli has sent memos to those departments heads asking what they intend to, and to spell out potential consequences awaiting them.

"I would not be the first sheriff, and I probably won't be the last, to exceed budget and get an adjustment at the end of the year," Perez said of how he'll pay all his bills. Pattelli's memo has Perez between $1.1 and $1.3 million short.

Click on the following for more of the details:  Daily Herald | Many Kane Co. departments could soon run out of funds

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