Friday, July 30, 2010

OSHA: 2 Illinois grain bin deaths were preventable

one worker was underage and employees lacked safety equipment,none of the three workers was wearing safety harnesses or had life lines, " a preventable accident and it's just unacceptable."

Click on the following for more details:  OSHA: 2 Illinois grain bin deaths were preventable - Springfield, IL - The State Journal-Register

Quinn signs new nursing home safety bill

currently has 146 nursing home inspectors in the field and, under the bill, must phase in an additional 71 inspectors by July 2011 to reach the mandated ratio of one inspector for every 500 nursing home beds.

provisions, such as increasing licensing fees and nursing staff levels into the facilities, could be completed by year's end.

more stringent treatment standards for homes that accept residents with serious mental illness.

Click on the following for more details:   Quinn signs new nursing home safety bill -