Saturday, November 16, 2013

Transform Rockford summit draws more than 1,000 - News - Rockford Register Star - Rockford, IL


After more than 1,000 people heard brutal facts Thursday night about Rockford's poverty, crime and joblessness, Carla Towns couldn't hand out blue rubber bracelets fast enough to attendees with these words stamped on them: Transform Rockford.
"It's a great plan for all of us to come together to make this happen," said Towns, 26, a local bank employee and a member of Rockford Hip Hop Congress.
She was referring to the Transform Rockford effort spearheaded by a group of businessmen and civic officials to turn Rockford from what Forbes calls a miserable city into an enviable one. Thursday's meeting at the Coronado Performing Arts Center was the group's first public meeting aimed at engaging the public.
Tom Gendron, chairman and CEO of Woodward Inc. who is leading the effort, said he is "shocked by the level of dysfunctional behavior in the community. There is a negative vibe in the community, and I can feel it."
Gendron, who lives in Colorado where Woodward is based, has dozens of family members who live in the area. And Woodward is building a $300 million factory in Loves Park to make airplane parts. He and a handful of local businessmen have pledged more than $3 million to get the Transform Rockford effort going.

Read more by clicking on the following:  Transform Rockford summit draws more than 1,000 - News - Rockford Register Star - Rockford, IL

Here are the slides from the presentation:

Transform Rockford’s website:

Agenda: Belvidere Township, Tuesday November 19, 2013, 5:ooPM




8200 Fairgrounds Road

November 19, 2013 – 5:00 P.M.

I. Call to Order/Roll Call

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Public Input

IV. Discussion and potential action on approval of Prior Meeting’s Minutes

V. Discussion and potential action on Transfers

VI. Reports

a. Supervisor’s Report

b. Highway Commissioner’s Report

c. Assessor’s Report

d. Clerk’s Report

e. Trustee’s Report

VII. Unfinished Business – Discussion and Potential Action May Occur on the following items:

  1. 2nd Reading - Discussion and Potential Action of Adoption of Tax Levy

VIII. Legal



IX. New Business

  1. Review Closed Session Minutes

X. Discussion and Potential Action on Treasurer’s Report and Approval of Bills

XI. Closed Session

XII. Adjournment

Next Meeting: December 3, 2013 @ 5:00 P.M.