Sunday, July 8, 2012

Company dismantling Zion nuclear plant under financial stress - WGN Radio

EnergySolutions, the company dismantling Exelon's Zion nuclear plant, is struggling financially just as it nears the riskiest phase of the project -- moving the nuclear fuel into storage casks.
Last month, the company suddenly replaced its chief executive and chief financial officer for the second time in two years, causing its stock to plunge 55 percent and its credit ratings to fall two notches amid a weak earnings forecast. In March, EnergySolutions

Click on the following for more details:  Company dismantling Zion nuclear plant under financial stress - WGN Radio

St. James seeks a time extension on its special use permit

UPDATE: 8:00 PM, Monday, July 9—The Committee of the Whole voted not to send the extension on to City Council—barring any change in the “no” votes it appears the extension request is denied.

St. James’ cathedral style church maybe in jeopardy if an extension of the special use permit is not allowed.  To many the real question is will the Diocese of Rockford really ever build this huge church?

See item 2a. on the City Council’s agenda for Monday.  Note the meeting is Monday, July 9, 2012 at 6:00PM.

Click on the photocopy to enlarge:


ARC Extension Letter July 8, 2012--   1

ARC Extension Letter July 8, 2012--   2

Irene Road Interchange?

Mr. Mattison sent me this copy of his questions concerning the Irene Interchange which he sent to the other members of the Boone County Board..  Is anyone else asking any questions?


Sent: Fri, Jun 29, 2012 10:41 am
Subject: Irene Road Interchange

To: Ken Terrinoni et al

Re: Irene Road Interchange

From: Patrick B. Mattison, County Board Member District 3

Responsibilities to Add Eastbound ramp to Irene Road/I-90 Interchange

1. Who is the person/Agent specifically in charge of this project--who sees it through from beginning to end?

a.) City

b.) County

2. Do we have the expertise and experience in the Planning Department to handle this--or should we contract out for this? If we

contract out--what are the estimated expenses?

3. What developers know of the plan and have agreed to participate with the project? Anderson; Puri; Funderburg; Plote;


4. Initial Costs:  $213,186.75 Hanson Engineering

$ ? Complete scope after land acquisition

$ 33,800.00 Right of way proposal

$ ? Survey

$969,000.00 Land acquisition of 32 acres @ $30,000 acre

$ ? Tollway completion costs--City/County responsibility not determined?

$1,216,586.75 Tentative Initial Costs 50/50 City County

That amounts to $608,293.38 Boone County tentative responsibility. I don't think we have this funding now. We need to develop the all inclusive costs for the project and the responsibilities of cost allocation to the City, County, & Tollway.

Before we sign agreements we need to determine where we get funding for this project. Grants? Will we be required to involve the taxpayer and raise taxes? Then we need commitments from Growth Dimensions and the Rockford Economic groups, state legislature, and the Congressman on how to get supportive funding. We also need commitments of interest from the various developers, and what their requirements are for commitment.

This project must have City/County involvement.

The public needs to be informed of the total project, the need, the justification, the land use and the long range value to the community. This should be ongoing, and an assigned responsibility to a entity.

This is an interesting website: GOP Veepstakes


The site is:

For your convenience, the following is the written text.  It appears that it not so much a poll as a means of obtaining email addresses.

Who do you think should be Mitt Romney's running mate? is conducting a monthly poll to see whom conservatives would like to see team up with Mitt Romney to take on President Obama. We'll keep polling until a running mate is selected. Vote now!

Gov. Mitt Romney

Your GOP VP Nominee

  • Email Address
  • Zip Code
  • Your Choice for GOP VP

Spkr. Newt Gingrich

Gov. Rick Perry

Rep. Allen West

Gov. Sarah Palin

Sen. Marco Rubio

Gov. Susana Martinez

Sen. Rick Santorum

Gov. Mike Huckabee

Rep. Paul Ryan

Gov. Chris Christie

Gov. Bob McDonnell

Rep. Michele Bachmann

Sen. Jim DeMint

Sen. John Thune

Gov. Mitch Daniels

Gov. Tim Pawlenty

Gov. Jeb Bush

Donald Trump

Gov. Scott Walker

Amb. John Bolton

Sen. Rob Portman

Condoleezza Rice

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers

Gov. Bobby Jindal

Gov. Nikki Haley

*Voting in the Veepstakes entitles you to receive conservative alerts from

The above ad was taken from:, a pro-life website.  Their statement about themselves follows: is an independent news agency devoted to reporting news that affects the pro-life community. With a team of experienced journalists and bloggers, reaches more than 500,000 pro-life advocates each week via its web site, email news reports, social networking outreach and weekday radio program. also acts as a service provider to furnish news content to media that share the pro-life perspective. The topics covered by include abortion, assisted suicide and euthanasia, bioethics issues such as human cloning and stem cell research, campaigns and elections, and legal and legislative issues.

Formerly the Pro-Life Infonet, has been harnessing the power of the Internet since 1992 to bring pro-life news to the pro-life community. We’ve developed a reputation for fairness, accuracy and timeliness in our nearly two decades of service.

This is another one of their advertisers:


Why Bill is running for Boone County Board

By no means the only reason but typical of why change needs to happen here in Boone County is the long story how Citizen Pysson had such a long struggle with the board for them to comply with the state mandate regarding posting of board minutes.

Here for all our benefits is that story again, posted in 2010 on this blog.(  That story is the second most popular on my blog, 688 views at last count.



Thursday, December 2, 2010

Boone County “may” begin posting its monthly board minutes
AG’s Access Officer requests written explanation concerning who maintains the county website.
As noted by this posting on another of my blogs [] I have requested since March that the Boone County Board Minutes be posted on the county’s website. Such posting is mandated by state law.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

March 8, 2010

Ken Terrinoni
County Administrator
Boone County Administration Campus
1212 Logan Avenue, Suite 102
Belvidere, IL 61008

Dear Mr. Terrinoni:

I understand that you are the freedom of information officer. I have been unable to determine who was appointed the open meetings officer and therefore have made the assumption that you have been appointed to that post as well.

Back in early February 2010, I emailed the County Board Chairman, Robert Walberg, requesting that county board minutes be publish on the county’s web site. To date I have heard nothing from him or the county board. Based upon these facts I am contacted you today. I respectfully request that you respond to this request within thirty days.

I request that the Boone County Board begin posting the minutes of its meetings on its website as prescribed by law. I believe the appropriate legal citation is 5 Illinois Consolidated Statutes 120/2.06 b. That citation is below, please note the underlining which I provided you.

(a) All public bodies shall keep written minutes of all their meetings, whether open or closed, and a verbatim record of all their closed meetings in the form of an audio or video recording. Minutes shall include, but need not be limited to:
(1) the date, time and place of the meeting;
(2) the members of the public body recorded as either present of absent and whether the members were physically present or present by means of video or audio conference; and
3) a summary of discussion on all matters proposed, deliberated, or decided, and a record of any votes taken.
(b) The minutes of meetings open to the public shall be available for public inspection within 7 days of the approval of such minutes by the public body. Beginning July 1, 2006, at the time it complies with the other requirements of this subsection, a public body that has a website that the full-time staff of the public body maintains shall post the minutes of a regular meeting of its governing body open to the public on the public body's website within 7 days of the approval of the minutes by the public body. Beginning July 1, 2006, any minutes of meetings open to the public posted on the public body's website shall remain posted on the website for at least 60 days after their initial posting.

I thank you in advance for your cooperation regarding this matter.

9592 Denver Drive
Belvidere, Il 61008
815 544 5115

CC: Robert Walberg
Marshall Newhouse
Kathy Hardwig
Daniel D. Anderson

This was Boone County’s answer. (Click on the photocopy to enlarge) A website upgrade is happening, however it is questionable if voters will be given any minutes. Neither the committee, the board nor its administrator indicate that they will comply with the law.

My answer was to take the law into my own hands—obtain the minutes and post them myself.

minutes on internet

Since September the”new” Boone County website has been up and running but no board minutes. Minutes for the Health Board have been available for several years but nothing for the county board. In October and November I discussed with Chairman Bob Walberg the posting of the minutes. He stated that the county was not required to do so because it did not have a full time employee dedicated to maintaining the website. He stated that he received this opinion from the Boone County States Attorney, Michelle Courier. I personally talked to Ms. Courier after the November board meeting and she stated that she had called the Illinois Attorney General Office and based upon her research and the conversation with the AG’s Office gave the opinion that Boone County was not subject to the mandate. I stated to her I did not question her legal sources but believed the facts indicated Boone County had the necessary full time employees.

Back in April I also emailed the Public Access Officer at the Illinois Attorney General’s Office concerning this matter. That email as well as Boone County’s States Attorney response to my inquiry is shown below.

access request 4

I received no reply from the state until this week when the Attorney General’s office telephoned me. Based upon our conversation and conversations the Access Officer had with the Boone County States Attorney, the following additional information is being requested. (See the Illinois Attorney General’s letter below and circled area) Basically a written explanation as to how the current website is maintained.

access request 1

access request 2

The Access Officer emailed this letter to the various board members. Knowing that many members do not regularly check their county email boxes I email the letter to their regular email addresses the AG letter along with this note:

In case you do not check your county email address on a regular basis, I am forwarding this letter from the Illinois Attorney General to Boone County States Attorney.

I still do not understand why Boone County Board refuses to post its minutes (which are usually less than 6 pages each month). I have requested posting of board minutes numerous times; to my county representatives, to the County Board President and to the Admin Committee. All to no avail.

As a final resort I filed this request to the Public Access Officer. Why must a citizen go to these extremes to be granted the access granted by law? The law granted the "full time employee exemption" so that townships and other political subdivision were not unduly financially burdened by a state mandate to post board minutes on the Internet when they did not have such facilities. Can Boone County really plead that posting monthly board minutes is a financial burden when the entire county budget (hundreds of pages) is posted? When monthly agenda for all county committees and the county board itself are posted each month on the county website?

The Illinois Attorney General apparently believes that my request deserves a review of the issues and facts. Are the taxpayers being well served when valuable time at the Boone County States Attorney and at the Attorney General Office are being wasted on whether Boone County must comply with the state mandate. Hundreds of dollars of taxpayers money are being wasted for the few pennies of costs entailed in posting six pages on the Internet. What is this proving?

I respectfully request that the new Boone County Board take action and order that Boone County Board Minutes be posted on the Boone County Website. BILL PYSSON

Page 31 on the Boone County Budget is shown below. $166,945 is budgeted for Information Technology. $44,ooo is paid for a computer coordinator and $19,387 for professional services for the website. Yet Boone County is claiming an exemption because it does not have a full time employee to imput the minutes onto the website.


Today I submitted the following Freedom Of Information Act request to gain a clear understanding if Boone County actually has a full time employee involved with the website.

FOIA 12-2-2010


Just tonight the minutes for the Boone County Board were posted on the county’s website. All the approved minutes going back to January 2010 are listed.

Boone County Board Minutes

The link is: and