Wednesday, June 4, 2014

UPDATE Regarding the trial

Final pre-trial conference June 13, 2014
This case revolves around the story shown below and posted back in some months ago.
Caledonia Dog Breeder under Fire from Animal Activists - - Powered by WTVO-TV and WQRF-TV

A Boone County dog breeder is under fire from animal activists. ….

the breeder is still licensed by the state and county. So as the women left they sought the support of Angels 4 Animals.
Angels 4 Animals is a group that will protest at Kim Lettier's next court appearance. She’s charged with aggravated battery after a Boone County Animal Control employee visited her business.
"She’s doing this out of her garage. The neighbors had no idea of the horrors that are going on inside the garage. Puppy mills are in your backyard and you might not even know it," said Angels 4 Animals Director Kathy Mehalko.
Their mission is to stop puppy mills like Kim Lettier's. And bring awareness to the public and politicians about this growing issue.
Kim Lettier will appear in court on Friday, February 21st at the Boone County Courthouse.

Go to the film clip at the following site:  Caledonia Dog Breeder under Fire from Animal Activists - - Powered by WTVO-TV and WQRF-TV

Here is the criminal charges and history from:,2014CF25,IL004015JL2014CF25D1


UPDATED: 3-6--2014—arraignment set for 3-11-2014




Boone County Code to be update

Many changes have occurred to the  ordinances of Boone County since  March 2011.  Yet none of these were available to citizens without direct inquiry to the county. Basically all ordinances enacted since March 2011 would have to reviewed by staff to determine if there was an effecting change to the code.  

In part due to my inquiry, the Administrative and Legislative Committee of the County Board has recommended that the code be updated and in the future be updated quarterly. Approval of this item is expected at the June County Board meeting. 

BILL PYSSON, District One, Boone County Board




Estimated cost of updated for three and half years.
