Monday, March 23, 2009

Federal Agencies to Post Records of Contact With Stimulus Lobbyists - ProPublica

The President wants federal agencies which are contacted by lobbyist to give a detail report of contact.  So ProPublica says  “We’ll see about that. Fire up the promise clock [5], Scotty, starting on the date the memo was issued. The clock will keep on running until we see some letters or meeting details posted.”  Take a look the clock is still ticking and no reports.  Click on the following to see the complete story and check the clock:

Federal Agencies to Post Records of Contact With Stimulus Lobbyists - ProPublica

What to do if ... --

Here is good,  check list style artivle as to what to do if you lose your job, get behind on mortgage etc. 

What to do if ... --

State of Illinois - Budget

I suggest that everyone check out what a 1.5% additional income tax will really cost them. Click on the following and input your numbers:

State of Illinois - Budget