Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Candlewick Lake residents meet new chief of public safety


Candlewick Lake currently has 17 or 18 public safety officers, including those who work at the three entrance gates. During the summer that number will swell by another five to 10 officers when the lake patrol begins.

Martin, 31, has 13 years’ experience in security work and recently received a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Westwood College in Woodridge.

was raised in Chicago, relocated to Freeport, then Rockford, then back to the Chicago area. His mother still resides in Rockford.

When he learned about the opening in Candlewick Lake, Martin said he was working security at a nuclear power plant in Romeoville

public safety officers don’t carry firearms. It’s the same as the Marquette patrol in that officers don’t have arrest powers; here they do hand out citations to those who violate traffic laws.

Candlewick public safety officers rely on sheriff’s deputies to make arrests and

Click on the following for more details:  Candlewick Lake residents meet new chief of public safety

Bill reduces public notice--Northwest Herald |

House Bill 1869

Instead of paying tax dollars to print public notices about government activities, governments could skip that requirement if they agree to post the full public notices on their own websites. In addition, a small ad would have to be printed in the paper to announce the website address where public notices would be posted.

stealthy assault on open government under the guise of saving money. Newspapers, of course, have a vested interest in this matter: The bill would take a slight amount of revenue from most newspapers.

But for decades, public notices have been printed in newspapers for a good reason: to provide the greatest verifiable public exposure for the money spent. (Public notices are billed at a discounted ad rate, by the way).

For people who use the Internet, Illinois newspapers (including this one) already offer a free, online public notice service. Visit http://www.publicnoticeillinois.com/ to search for public notices from this community and many others.

Click on the following for more details:  Northwest Herald | Bill reduces public notice

Challenger Learning Center for Science and Technolgy—Woodstock, IL

challenger learning centers masthead

Challenger Learning Center for Science & Technology

222 Church Street
Woodstock, ILLINOIS  60098


Steve Otten, Executive Director—$72,000 plus $7,786 benefits.

All of this information was obtained at: http://www.illinoisattorneygeneral.gov/charities/search/index.jsp

The proper name of the organization for search purposes is:


Reg. Number:


Audited statement as of June 30, 2009 are available at the above database.


Tinker Swish Cottage, Inc.

Beverly Broyles, Executive Director,  $41,532 (2009)

All of this information was obtained at: http://www.illinoisattorneygeneral.gov/charities/search/index.jsp

The proper name of the organization for search purposes is:


Reg. Number:


Audited statements as of 12-31-2009 are available on the above mention data base.
