Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Rockford potential “hot spot” for COVID-19?

Report says Rockford ranks #8 as next potential COVID-19 outbreak hot spot

By WIFR Newsroom |

Posted: Wed 11:46 AM, May 06, 2020  |

Updated: Wed 11:49 AM, May 06, 2020


ROCKFORD, Ill. (WIFR) -- According a report from New York Times (​ Rockford ranks #8 in the country for the next potential COVID-19 outbreak could occur. The data is from the last two weeks.

In the list of Highest avg. daily growth rate of cases in the report, it says that Rockford has 553 recent cases with a daily growth rate of 9%, with cases doubling every 8 days.

Rockford also ranks #9 in the list of Highest avg. daily growth rate of deaths with 16 recent deaths, 7% daily growth rate and deaths doubling every 9.7 days.

The Janesville-Beloit area ranked #9 in daily growth rate of cases.

According to the report, “Communities with a lot of cases and a high growth rate are on track to have a serious problem. A high growth rate on top of a large number of cases means that a still larger number of people are on track to become ill or die.”

Growth rates are useful measures in epidemics because they tell us whether things are getting better or worse. In places where the growth rate is high but the number of cases is relatively low, a community may still have time to flatten its curve before an outbreak becomes widespread, the report says.

As of Wednesday morning, there are a total of 643 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Winnebago County and 22 deaths.

Above is from:

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